More than just a picture gallery of clouds, CloudySky is an easy to use and complete pocket field guide for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch that will help you to enjoy and better understand clouds by quickly identifying their names and characteristics. Just look up in the sky and get your head in the clouds. Take your time. This is not learning as a test, but learning for your enjoyment. When you are out for a walk the clouds are there for you to enjoy, and with CloudySky in your hands you will appreciate them even more.
Look at the clouds around you and then take CloudySky out of your pocket, purse or bag and easily learn the names and characteristics of the clouds at your own pace. You will be surprised and pleased how over time your appreciation of clouds will grow and your enjoyment of them, with the knowledge you get with CloudySky, will increase.
CloudySky includes:
A beautiful cloud chart/photo collage that gives you an overview of the ten main types of clouds
A photo index of all the major cloud types grouped by the major elevation categories (étages)
A detailed view of each cloud type that gives you quick access to everything you would like to know about that cloud
A photo index of all the species, varieties, supplemental features and accessory clouds for each cloud type
A chart with all of the symbols used in weather maps for every cloud
Over 100 stunning photos to help you identify the cloud you are looking at
Useful, authoritative and detailed explanations of how clouds form, what their distinguishing features are, how they are categorized and a history of how the clouds came to be named as they are
Beautiful full size views on your iPad
Take photos from within the app